The Era of Self, The Age of Death

The Era of self The Age of Death

The gray morning coat of dawn hung in a misty fog.
Integrated mind was waking to a form of separation:
the early human awoke with a chill of feeling: fear, anxiety, and excitement.
The Era of ego/self had begun.

How long did it take the human
to move out of these powerful swirls of the emotion?
To begin perceiving within this new dimension of self-consciousness?

In this beginning chaos thoughts, not yet formed, began forming:
the recognition of “difference from,” separation of self from other.

Humans were being changed in an evolutionary leap.
What had never been there before was taking hold:
An overwhelming feeling of the inner aloneness – an emotional void and fear.

Others became a source to fill the emotional void.
And the fear produced the need to
 control and acquiesce for hoped for safety.
There was a desperation for both.

Words were brought forth to articulate the differences the mind was now perceiving.
A new vocabulary of “me”/”other,” “us”/”them,” “unknowing”/”threat”
 was evolving.
An exclusive bonding of humans began as the power of separation
 left its taint of fear.
All of nature was seen as that could be taken from freely.

The young mind strained under the torment of urgings:
The ”I and other” separation in consciousness resulted in an overpowering need
to seek a self-created reality..
Those with the strongest fear put others under their control.
All of nature was used by the emerging ego to build and consume.

The sages who remembered
and could still perceive through integrated consciousness
pleaded that “Difference, separation, and loneliness were only delusions;”
and that in this leap of consciousness the perception “oneness” not be lost,
Nor the One, who was beyond all separation.

But the young mind would not let go of its grasp
on differentiating perception and growing self-control.
That “All Knowing” Presence who could guide, console,
 and fill the separation with “oneness” simply became part the otherness.

The deep knowledge of the Source of all Being was divided
into a manifold of separate entities of gods, and goddesses.
Appeasement and petition became the basis
for religions based in self-consciousness protecting itself.

The voices of the sages were ignored,
and human devised religions and power structures
which uttered harshness, ritual, and rule.

The unleashing of ego consciousness with its illusions of reality
scourged nature and people.
In the vacuum of inclusive relationship, exclusive cruelty filled in.
Overpowering replaced empowering.
Creating ever more ways to control was unabated of wisdom.

“Wait”, cried the sages in their wisdom.
Religion must bring you to become conscious of the One and Oneness,
to free you from the blind binds of self-delusion and its creations.

They pled with even  more urgently that the ego’s place was not to dominate
but to be in integrated into that part of self capable of Union with the ONE
Who provides peace and wisdom; and most of all,
provides for release from the perception of “I and other” with all its torment, fear, and self-created illusions.

But the din of humans asserting themselves over each other and their environments,
drowned out these words.

The scourging continued.
A consuming existential urge to become “the “first” the “greatest,” the “most rich”
became rampant as lives and life was destroyed.
The greater the mind of separation became
 the more destructive the inventions and the greater misuse of power.

How far could such tragedy go?
The very earth heaved under the devastation;
 and, genocide of peoples and creating pariahs increased
 with this unbridled human ego.

The consciousness being incapable of seeing its own limitations.
Could not see the earth’s constraints nor the rampant pyramid of power
 wiping out animal species,
and denied an ever growing population humans
 of their rights, quality of life, and most of all their dignity..

Even when  the water they drank, the air they breathed, and food they ate,
 all were fouled,
human culture denied/ignored/ downgraded to maintain their illusions.

The collective human ego consciousness
which must separate, produce, and acquire, in order to verify itself
was now verging on extinction, as the multitude of species already made extinct.

Humanity will enter a New Era or become extinct.
and this limited and dangerous mindset —
a seed of growth become malignant,
must give way.

As with the ”leap of consciousness” that produced the ego,
there will be a leap of consciousness that:
will perceive from the eternal knowledge within,
 integrating ego into the “whole self.”

The creative and developed intellect merged with:
 intuitive wisdom,
Inclusive Oneness, not separation.
Collaborative rather than Power systems,
harmonizing with resonance of true being,
which is the resonance of Love — in which all life thrives.

The solo sages of old will be replaced by multitudes,
sharing integrated consciousness.
The Last Era brought the needed development of the human ego/self.
The New Era will re-integrate that ego/self with all.

Pheo Rose
(all rights reserved.  Contemplative Life Foundation 1987)