You are Unique and Precious.  If you have come to this page, you may also be in need.


To Honor you, and remind you that you are so very much more than what life takes out of you.

I have chosen a very special piece of music, Pheo Rose’s “Solemn Greetings Beautiful Soul” (can also be found on the Compassions Caress cd on the Music for You page)

(The Compassions Caress, Soft Light, and Emerging Through the Suffering cds on the Music for You page are all intended for those suffering from any sort of circumstances.)


“Whether Joy and Laughter, or Pain and Tears, remember:

All these Will Change.

But Reality is the Spirit and Power of Love,

Which is Unchanging, ever Reachable, and Eternal,”

Pheo Rose (Referencing Previous Words of Wisdom)


“Take Suffering into Acceptance

with the Intent to Survive it

as well as Learn All You Can From your experience.

This Will Bring You a Strength

Acquired No Other Way.”

Pheo Rose


When racked by despair and/or suffering there is little motivation to do much, or to be with other people, or even see what is beautiful and good.  Despair/suffering is perhaps the most painful place in life. This is why Replenish Vitality freely provides this section. When racked and in immense need, you deserve support and care. This website is devoted to providing that.  Finding, and choose carefully a professional (if you begin to feel uncomfortable with a professional, this indicates you need to separate. A good professional will ask difficult questions, but in your reflection and answers you find those difficult questions helpful.) who can provide counseling is often most helpful.  Share with friends and family that you are struggling; and listen, but choose, what support is offered.


Click Here for the writing: “Difficult Life Journeys”


Click Here for the writing: “Transforming the Weight of Life into the Depth of Being.”


Click Here for the writing: “The Alchemy of Suffering”